Why does my foot hurt when I walk?

April 17, 2023
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There are so many health benefits to walking and we know just how debilitating it can be when foot pain stops you in your tracks. Whether you walk to stay fit, take the kids to school, walk your dog or clear your mind, we want to make sure you’re doing it pain free.

What’s causing the pain?

There are many possible reasons why your foot may hurt when you walk and we’ve summarised some of the main common causes below:

Plantar fasciitis:

This is a condition where the plantar fascia, a band of tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot, becomes inflamed. It is often caused by overuse, such as from running or standing for long periods of time. The pain can vary from mild to severe and is often present first thing in the morning or after periods of rest but this is not always the case. You can find out more about heel pain here.

Achilles tendinopathy:

The Achilles tendon connects the calf muscles to the heel bone. When this tendon becomes inflamed, it can cause pain in the back of the heel that worsens with walking or running. The causes of chronic damage to the Achilles tendon include poor foot and ankle function, unsupportive footwear, changes to activity levels or training errors or some medical conditions. 

Morton's neuroma:

This is a thickening of the tissue around the nerves that lead to your toes. It can cause pain and a burning sensation in the ball of your foot.

Stress fractures:

These are small cracks in the bones of your foot that can occur from overuse or repetitive stress.


Various forms of arthritis can cause foot pain, particularly in the joints of the foot.

What should I do next?

If your foot pain is persistent or severe give us a call or book online for a biomechanical assessment. We can then start an appropriate treatment plan and get you back to what you enjoy best.

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